The Chantry School

The Chantry School

Excellence in all

Excellence for all

Excellence in all

Excellence for all

Open Evening

Without a doubt, choosing the right school for a young person is an important decision. We are confident The Chantry School establishes a strong, purposeful and positive partnership with parents and carers, to ensure your child’s wellbeing, happiness and success. Our underpinning philosophy is the belief that it is important to develop young people who have a high regard for, and a compassionate understanding and tolerance of, other people’s views, cultures, backgrounds and faiths. It is important that we enable all pupils to be proud members of, and positively contribute to, our caring community.


We encourage our pupils to aim high, embrace challenge and develop the resilience to keep trying to achieve their highest possible potential. We want our pupils to have a wide range of choices open to them when they leave school and we work very hard with pupils in and out of the classroom to achieve this.


You are welcome to visit our Open Evening or Morning, or make an appointment to see the school in action.


Dr A Dickenson



Please Find Our Prospectus Brochure Here

The Chantry School

Excellence in all

Excellence for all

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The Chantry School

Excellence in all

Excellence for all

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