The Chantry School
The Chantry School
Excellence in all
Excellence for all
Our curriculum design seeks to give all pupils a broad and balanced education whilst preparing them for the future. We believe all our pupils are entitled to a curriculum that challenges their individual abilities; is relevant to their experience and present needs; is inclusive and has application and value in the world outside the school.
Our goal is to deliver a curriculum that builds on the school’s ethos of high aspirations and give all pupils access to the same curriculum entitlement. We take great pride in providing opportunities in developing all pupils intellectually, creatively, socially and physically and motivating them to want to learn.
All curriculum areas have designed the pupils’ learning so there are opportunities to develop their full capacity for different types of thinking and learning. As they progress, they should develop and apply increasing intellectual rigour, drawing different strands of learning together, and exploring and achieving more advanced levels of understanding. We encourage our pupils to become independent, curious and questioning individuals with a thirst for learning.
Our broad and balanced curriculum permits pupils to experience, practise and develop a wide range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding. All pupils will have a comprehensive education that will allow them to develop personal strengths and talents as well as meet new and existing statutory requirements. Many of the curriculum areas enhance the pupils’ experiences with ‘fieldwork’ trips such as visits to art galleries, castles and the theatre.
As pupils enter Year 7, they will experience a continuous progression in their learning from 11-16 within subject curriculum frameworks. Each unit, term, year will build upon earlier experiences acquired and provide ample opportunities to revisit, embed, consolidate and excel in the necessary skills and knowledge needed to give them a secure foundation whereby all pupils should be able to progress at a rate which meets their needs and aptitudes.
The curriculum supports learning throughout in the core areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Computing. In Key Stage 3 all students also have access to PSHCE, Expressive Arts (Art and Design, Drama and Music), the Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Education), Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education and Technology.
There is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills within all curriculum areas.
The Chantry School curriculum aims to enable all our pupils to become:
• Successful learners
• Confident individuals
• Responsible citizens
KS3 Curriculum
KS4 Curriculum
The Chantry School
Excellence in all
Excellence for all
Head – Dr. Andrew Dickenson
Chair of Governors – Mr. Paul Wilcox
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The Chantry School
Excellence in all
Excellence for all
Head – Mr. Andrew Dickenson
Chair of Governors – Mr. Paul Wilcox
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